ACRYLITE® for Backlit Frames

Draw the eyes of onlookers with backlit frames. Adding backlighting to frames using LED light allows the piece to stand out with brilliance as compared to standard frames. Drawings, photos, and art work are taken to the next level with this effective use of uniform light that will shine brilliantly through ACRYLITE® acrylic.

  • illuminate cherished memories

  • create unique designs with colorful LEDs

  • offers a brilliant uniform display


Application stories

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Backlighting A Photo Negative With ACRYLITE®

PhotoGlow used ACRYLITE® LED light guiding edge lit panels to distribute the light evenly over the entire image, and ACRYLITE® Non-Glare acrylic to protect the print and reduce reflection off of it, keeping emphasis on the image itself.

The 'Glowmaster' Does it Again Using ACRYLITE®

Browse Backlit Frames products

ACRYLITE® digital print

picture frames with framing grade acrylic

ACRYLITE® Gallery framing grade FF3

ACRYLITE® Optical mar-resistant

ACRYLITE® Gallery non-glare P99

ACRYLITE® Gallery UV filtering OP3